Fwd: [bkuhn@...41...: Fundraising & plans for action for Inkscape]

Ob hackfest, we might be able to get some organizational help. I promised to forward him the plan once we have the main parameters nailed down.
Bradley also suggested we come up with a target budget for the event, and then make that the fundraising goal.
----- Forwarded message from "Bradley M. Kuhn" <bkuhn@...41...> -----
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 16:13:25 -0500 From: "Bradley M. Kuhn" <bkuhn@...41...> To: karen@...41... Cc: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...>, "inkscape@...41..." <inkscape@...41...> Subject: Fundraising & plans for action for Inkscape
We had a thread with Bryce and the Inkscape Committee back in February regarding fundraising and the like.
I had a great opportunity to see Bryce today here at LinxCon North America. We discussed various topics, including how to do more fundraising for Inkscape and what plans Inkscape has for using such funds it wants to raise. We talked some about how the PyPy proposals worked [0] for the PyPy community. I mentioned to Bryce that he could follow up with you from that February thread and discuss the fundraising plans.
We also discussed some planning for spending funds -- and discussed the fact that having something you want to *do* with the money makes fundraising much easier. I mentioned the idea of funding code sprint travel, and Bryce mentioned that might indeed be something Inkscape wants to consider soon. So, I told him he could follow up with you, Karen, about planning and details related to that.
Anyway, I am primarily sending this email just to (a) pick up the February conversation that petered out and (b) make sure Karen and the rest of the Inkscape committee is up-to-date on what Bryce and I discussed today.
[0] For those who want to take a look, the PyPy campaigns are here: http://pypy.org/numpydonate.html http://pypy.org/py3donate.html http://pypy.org/tmdonate2.html
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington