Developer Meeting Notes, May 29th 2023

Hey Everyone,
This week's meeting notes might be incomplete, I had to leave before people had stopped talking. But I don't think these notes are missing too much:
Meeting: Monday 29th May 2023 Next Meeting: Tuesday 6th June 2023 Attending: Jonathan, Nicco, Martin, René, Tav, Marc, PBS
# Beta Release
Marc has worked on and published all the beta release files to the website.
A brief talk about the beta release schedule and how our scheduling works between the release manager (Marc) and the macOS release engineer (René). The new release for macOS is built today and is now live. René has informed vectors so they can schedule themselves as needed.
More updates for macOS libraries to keep everything sharp for 1.3.
Extensions needs to be branched to 1.3.x now though because of string freeze. Jonathan is going to push his menu updates forwards now. Though he will need to ask Maren if this is ok.
The beta has the right welcome screens, but the wrong about screen. Marc will work on fixing this. René needs to write a short bit of instructions for an artist to be able to do it themselves.
# Crossink
René and Martin have worked on getting the cross-compiler working so linux programmers can generate windows builds. This functionality has atrophied a little since Jan.
# GitLab Infrastructure
Some issues with the testing stage on GitLab. It's a bumpy road to clear up. There's problems between how one's own machine works compared to their runners.
# Color Management
Tav has been working on some of the color management stuff but will put it to oneside for now so he can work on Gtk4.
Marc, Martin, Tav and Philip talk about the color management support will work for Wayland. Trying and keep as much of the code as possible, but remove the bits that interact directly with Gtk3 and X11 only paths.
# Other Items
Nicco has been working on positioning and getting items in the right places.
Martin's not been doing much beyond preparing merges and fixes for beta and helping out where possible.
Tav and Jonathan talk mesh gradients wrt to the ai importer as well as Adobe's thinking on mesh gradients.
GSoc toolbar refactoring is going to take a lot of discussion to make sure we get the best fix. The way widgets fall off the end of the toolbar is a design which we now have to do ourselves.
Marc continued to work on the dithering patch. A discussion was had about the details of working upstream. Marc has talked about moving away from cairo.
See you all Tuesday!
Best Regards, Martin Owens
participants (1)
Martin Owens