In case anybody missed it, Karen reports that we have a prospective donation of $1000 in return for mention on our Sponsors page:
Bradley suggests that we should formalizing a donation program. One example he gives is Twisted Matrix:
https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedSoftwareFoundation#B enefitsofSponsorship
which has the following levels of support.
Diamondback: $20,000 and up Platinum Python: $10,000 Golden Tree Snake: $5,000 Silver Sidewinder: $2,000 Copperhead: $1,000 Aluminum Adder: $100
He suggests skipping the lowest level. Bryce and Josh have expressed support for these levels. I think they are good too. Note that the levels have been customized. Perhaps we could have:
Diamond Scribe Platinum Pen Golden Brush Silver Quill Copper Pencil
The Twisted Matrix program puts the logos of Silver and higher sponsors on the home page for one year. They also dictate the size of the logos. (160x80px).
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this opportunity.

Hi Tav,
This is an interesting opportunity. I think we should go for it, with one addition; we need to mark out what being a material supporter means in this structure or if we should have a new list below the existing material supporters list.
The website can be changed as soon as there is consensus and graphics.
We also had a sponsorship idea where by a company would give us the same amount of money as they would have spent on adobe licenses as donations. But maybe asking RedHat for 20k would be better/simpler :-D
On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 10:48 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
In case anybody missed it, Karen reports that we have a prospective donation of $1000 in return for mention on our Sponsors page:
Bradley suggests that we should formalizing a donation program. One example he gives is Twisted Matrix:
https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedSoftwareFoundation#B enefitsofSponsorship
which has the following levels of support.
Diamondback: $20,000 and up Platinum Python: $10,000 Golden Tree Snake: $5,000 Silver Sidewinder: $2,000 Copperhead: $1,000 Aluminum Adder: $100
He suggests skipping the lowest level. Bryce and Josh have expressed support for these levels. I think they are good too. Note that the levels have been customized. Perhaps we could have:
Diamond Scribe Platinum Pen Golden Brush Silver Quill Copper Pencil
The Twisted Matrix program puts the logos of Silver and higher sponsors on the home page for one year. They also dictate the size of the logos. (160x80px).
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this opportunity.
Monitor Your Dynamic Infrastructure at Any Scale With Datadog! Get real-time metrics from all of your servers, apps and tools in one place. SourceForge users - Click here to start your Free Trial of Datadog now! http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=241902991&iu=/4140 _______________________________________________ Inkscape-board mailing list Inkscape-board@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-board

On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 10:48 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this opportunity.
I have nothing to add other than +1, which is being added to move the conversation along :-)
I think that we need to just agree on the $1000 level quickly if there is any objections to the others. Perhaps we should allow "backdating" any contributions to the hackfest as well for sponsors, to ensure they get recognized appropriately.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015, at 09:20 PM, Ted Gould wrote:
On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 10:48 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this
I have nothing to add other than +1, which is being added to move the conversation along :-)
I think that we need to just agree on the $1000 level quickly if there is any objections to the others. Perhaps we should allow "backdating" any contributions to the hackfest as well for sponsors, to ensure they get recognized appropriately.
+1 to both of these, but especially backdating. A bit of that respect might even help a few potential donors take the plunge.
-- Jon A. Cruz jon@...9...

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 11:20:56PM -0500, Ted Gould wrote:
On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 10:48 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this opportunity.
I have nothing to add other than +1, which is being added to move the conversation along :-)
I think that we need to just agree on the $1000 level quickly if there is any objections to the others. Perhaps we should allow "backdating" any contributions to the hackfest as well for sponsors, to ensure they get recognized appropriately.
Not a bad idea.
I'll note though that our contact info for those may be a bit limited, so it may be difficult to ascertain whether they actually want the publicity. Even so, would be nice to offer it. If I give you the list of donors at the $1000 level (I don't think there was more than a couple), would you be willing to make contact with them to doublecheck?
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Inkscape-board mailing list Inkscape-board@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-board

On Fri, 2015-09-11 at 16:56 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 11:20:56PM -0500, Ted Gould wrote:
On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 10:48 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this opportunity.
I have nothing to add other than +1, which is being added to move the conversation along :-)
I think that we need to just agree on the $1000 level quickly if there is any objections to the others. Perhaps we should allow "backdating" any contributions to the hackfest as well for sponsors, to ensure they get recognized appropriately.
Not a bad idea.
I'll note though that our contact info for those may be a bit limited, so it may be difficult to ascertain whether they actually want the publicity. Even so, would be nice to offer it. If I give you the list of donors at the $1000 level (I don't think there was more than a couple), would you be willing to make contact with them to doublecheck?
Makes sense, I will. We should perhaps also (longer term, perhaps a community contest) provide a logo/banner type thing that they could put on their webpage. I'm sure folks like Red Hat wouldn't be interested, but perhaps smaller firms.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:48:33AM +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
In case anybody missed it, Karen reports that we have a prospective donation of $1000 in return for mention on our Sponsors page:
Bradley suggests that we should formalizing a donation program. One example he gives is Twisted Matrix:
https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedSoftwareFoundation#B enefitsofSponsorship
which has the following levels of support.
Diamondback: $20,000 and up Platinum Python: $10,000 Golden Tree Snake: $5,000 Silver Sidewinder: $2,000 Copperhead: $1,000 Aluminum Adder: $100
He suggests skipping the lowest level. Bryce and Josh have expressed support for these levels. I think they are good too. Note that the levels have been customized. Perhaps we could have:
Diamond Scribe Platinum Pen Golden Brush Silver Quill Copper Pencil
The Twisted Matrix program puts the logos of Silver and higher sponsors on the home page for one year. They also dictate the size of the logos. (160x80px).
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this opportunity.
Now that we've had some chance for discussion, do we need to have a formal vote on this? Or is further brainstorming needed?
This seems pretty straightforward and uncontroversial, but if we need to make it official, mind writing up a short blurb for us to vote on? I'll make some time Sunday night to post referenda we have pending.
Monitor Your Dynamic Infrastructure at Any Scale With Datadog! Get real-time metrics from all of your servers, apps and tools in one place. SourceForge users - Click here to start your Free Trial of Datadog now! http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=241902991&iu=/4140 _______________________________________________ Inkscape-board mailing list Inkscape-board@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-board

I've added the following draft resolution to the board document repository. Please let me know of any suggested tweaks. If there are none, then I propose that Bryce start the vote.
Inkscape Funding Levels For Sponsors ------------------------------------
1. Principles =============
Inkscape wishes to acknowledge and encourage donations from sponsors. This proposal establishes a set of funding levels with given rewards.
2. Levels =========
The following levels are established (in US$):
Diamond Scribe: $20,000 Platinum Pen: $10,000 Golden Brush: $5,000 Silver Quill $2,000 Bronze Stylus: $1,000
3. Rewards ==========
1. Acknowledgment with logo on "Our Sponsor Page" (one year)
2. Acknowledgment with logo on our home page (one year) for Silver and above levels.
Logos must be 160x80px and non-animated. SVG's are encouraged. Logos must be non-political and non-offensive with the Inkscape board and SFC being the final arbitrators of suitability.
4. Non-monetary Donations ==========================
Non-monetary donations are also accepted and may, with board approval, qualify for one of the above rewards. A general rule is that $5 worth of services is equal to a $1 cash donation. Significant non-monetary donations not qualifying for a reward will be recognized in a general "Thank You" section on the "Our Sponsors" page (as is the current case).
4. Retroactivity ================
With their agreement, previous donors of $1000 or more will qualify for the above rewards with a starting date of the adoption of this resolution.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 02:16:35PM -0400, Martin Owens wrote:
On Sun, 2015-09-13 at 11:10 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
- Acknowledgment with logo on our home page (one year) for Silver
and above levels.
We'll have to ace one of the columns from the home page to fit the logos on. Otherwise a design suggestion is welcome :-)
Well, the GSoC 2014 bits can go, that's pretty old news now. But I don't think that's the space we want since we'll likely be doing GSoC or analogous efforts in the future.
If there are no more than 3-4 logos to add, perhaps they could be slotted in the left and right sections of the bottom grey bar. If there are more than that, perhaps a row could be added above the grey bar, and the logos lined up there?

Sounds good, although I might s/Reward/Recognition/. I'll post for a vote directly.
On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 11:10:11AM +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I've added the following draft resolution to the board document repository. Please let me know of any suggested tweaks. If there are none, then I propose that Bryce start the vote.
Inkscape Funding Levels For Sponsors ------------------------------------
- Principles
Inkscape wishes to acknowledge and encourage donations from sponsors. This proposal establishes a set of funding levels with given rewards.
- Levels
The following levels are established (in US$):
Diamond Scribe: $20,000 Platinum Pen: $10,000 Golden Brush: $5,000 Silver Quill $2,000 Bronze Stylus: $1,000
- Rewards
Acknowledgment with logo on "Our Sponsor Page" (one year)
Acknowledgment with logo on our home page (one year) for Silver
and above levels.
Logos must be 160x80px and non-animated. SVG's are encouraged. Logos must be non-political and non-offensive with the Inkscape board and SFC being the final arbitrators of suitability.
- Non-monetary Donations
Non-monetary donations are also accepted and may, with board approval, qualify for one of the above rewards. A general rule is that $5 worth of services is equal to a $1 cash donation. Significant non-monetary donations not qualifying for a reward will be recognized in a general "Thank You" section on the "Our Sponsors" page (as is the current case).
- Retroactivity
With their agreement, previous donors of $1000 or more will qualify for the above rewards with a starting date of the adoption of this resolution.
participants (5)
Bryce Harrington
Jon A. Cruz
Martin Owens
Tavmjong Bah
Ted Gould