On Wednesday 24 May 2006 00:51, bulia byak wrote:
On 5/23/06, Craig Bradney <cbradney@...242...> wrote:
Did you use the create locations for finding all of these without storing them all in SVN?
Nope, I don't know how to do that and if it works at all in Inkscape. Can anybody fill me in on that?
Look in the defined create dirs, I think Jon Cruz (correct me if I'm wrong) did some work for this in Inkscape somewhere...?
On X11 the dirs to look for are as follows: ~/create/swatches/ ~/.create/swatches/ /usr/share/create/swatches/ /usr/local/share/create/swatches/ On Windows, IIRC, these apply, at least on 2k/XP as per our Scribus code: CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA/create/swatches CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA/create/swatches CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON/create/swatches
If the swatches are not in create that you want then please send them to me and I will add them to the tarball. We do plan on a create 0.2 release soon and to start to push into the distros with that.. hopefully.
Heres the current list: Bears Bgold Blues Borders Browns_And_Yellows Caramel Cascade China Coldfire Cool_Colors Cranes Dark_pastels Default Ega Firecode GNOME_HIG Gold Grayblue Grays GrayViolet Greens Hilite Kahki Lights Muted Named_Colors News3 Op2 OpenOffice_org Paintjet Pastels Plasma Reds Reds_And_Purples Royal SConscript svg Tango-Palette Topographic Visibone Visibone2 Volcano Warm_Colors webhex websafe22 X11 X11_Greys
HTH Craig