Dan H. wrote:
Yeah... Markers inherit stroke color ! Markers inherit stroke color !
Unfortunately that request doesn't jive well with the SVG spec. See a "marker" isn't just an extension of the stroke. A marker is arbitrary chunks of svg transformed at important spots along a path. So pretend you drew a nice shiney 24 color house complete with gradients and blur, etc. Now you draw a nice thickly stroked black path to represent a winding country road. You can place houses along this road by using your house as mid-markers. Which part of the house would inherit the stroke paint. Notice I said "paint" not "color" because strokes can have gradient paint or pattern paint (patterns again being arbitrary SVG chunks. I haven't researched it much but I've heard that SVG 1.2 has allowances for using inherited colors in markers. But SVG 1.2 hasn't been finalized yet. And as they have been removing portions of the spec it is rather dangerous to implement any of it until it is final (cf. flow text). Now I realize that in the great majority of use cases markers may in fact be just a single color extension of the stroke, but the spec allows for much more. I think it is important that people realize that.
Probably the best we can do is invoke the X in SVG and add some semantic extension elements or attributes that inkscape could use to key in on paints in a marker that could be inherited from the stroke. We could use these marks to enable smarter editing and still generate compliant fully flexible SVG.
Maybe this would indeed be a good SoC task.
Aaron Spike