> +when a profile is selected, the save button should be a delete button that
> deletes the current profile (is it possible to toggle between two actions ?
I'm not sure it's good usability to switch a button. If you don't want
to make them two menu items in the menu, let's have two buttons.
Which menu are you talking about ? I tried to implement a contextual menu on the selector but the rigth click event is eaten by the selector, so I reverted that.
I am not a fan of 2 "exclusive" buttons, it just eats space for nothing. And I dont like the save icon being present really close from the standard menu either.
Any idea on how to solve this GUI issue is welcome.
> +find a way to (re)name new profiles (is there a popup dialog sample
> somewhere? Sorry, I'm a GTK newbie)
No need to provide a rename function I think; instead, when you create
a new preset, ask for a name. You can use a dialog similar to that
which asks for the name of a new layer.
Done and committed. Please test.
> +find a way to get unique ids (are ids mandatory in preferences anyway ?)
Not sure about this one, at least in SVG repr tree you don't need to
set an id yourself, it will be added automatically - maybe it's the
same in prefs?
OK, I forget about that.