Very pretty!

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 16:07, Josh Andler <scislac@...400...> wrote:
Hey All,

I stumbled across some videos a while back relating to some plugins for Illustrator that provide some pretty cool functionality and wanted to share, I just don't believe I did on the list (hopefully I'm not repeating). Do we have an appropriate page in the wiki for me to add them or does anyone think it would be more appropriate to just add a number of RFEs to the tracker?

This first one shows some pretty useful color functionality you normally see associated with raster apps but is stuff that would rock to have for use in the vector space. Yes we have extensions that provide some of the functions, but they're destructive effects.

This live half-toning stuff is definitely sweet.

When we finally get to a point where we can produce proper PDFs for print, this would be some fantastic functionality to have (especially with the costs of home printing supplies).

Just thought I'd share...


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