2011/3/8 Chris Morgan <chris.morganiser@...400...>:
About > Overview: we'll need the video, but the content's about done
Making a good quality video overview is not easy. I think a text+images overview will work just as well, at least for now.
About > FAQ: ignore what's on this page at present; it's just a port of the content from the wiki. We want more useful stuff here. About > Testimonials: need some testimonials! Even as simple as http://twitter.com/ryannorris/status/45172362475339776 - "Uh, Inkscape is incredibly cool."
Instead of testimonials, we can rename this to "who's using Inkscape" and link to some good graphics on Wikimedia Commons, highlighting the fact that many SVG files there are made with Inkscape. There could also be a link to the dA group.
Regards, Krzysztof