Hi Gustav,
some glitches and questions as of rev 16035:
Docked dialogs don't scroll to be visible when I call them, if the dock contains many dialogs scrolled down. Is this fixable?
Hightlighting the title of the dialog which was just called by a shortcut is nice, but it does little else - the keyboard focus is still not in the dialog. Or at least, I can't use Tab to travel between widgets in the dialog as I was able in the dialog as a top-level window - Tab works to select object on canvas no matter what.
On the other hand, the accelerator keys (underlined in labels) work indiscriminately across all dialogs and all UI in general. For example, select an object, open fill&stroke and switch to HSL tab, then press Alt+H. The first time, the Help menu is opened; the second time, focus jumps to the H field in the dialog. This is a really bad problem - few people use accelerators in dialogs but many call menus by Alt+letter, so this needs to be fixed somehow. Is it possible to limit the scope of the accelerators to the dialog only, so that they only work when some widget in the dialog has focus?
By the way, if I can highlight the dialog with its shortcut, it would be logical if it was also highlighted when I click some widget in it, or just click on its title bar. Is this feasible?
Press Ctrl+Shift+W - the swatches dialog pops up. Press it again and you get "** Message: Failed to find an existing dialog". Works with other dialogs but not this one.
Is it possible to not show the separators between dialogs in the dock with resize handles when resizing is not possible? This is misleading.
Open several dialogs, then open fill&stroke, iconify it, then restore. It works but I get in the console:
(inkscape:3948): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: value "-313" of type `gint' is invalid or out of range for property `preferred-height' of type `gint'
Now that you've replaced them, can you remove the obsolete fill&stroke code from src/dialogs? Note that the selected-style.cpp calls sp_object_properties_fill and sp_object_properties_stroke, which open the old (non-gtkmm) dialog and switch to the corresponding tab. Can you provide similar accessor functions for the gtkmm docked dialog and replace these calls?