Hello! I am Mayank Dehgal, a student from IIT Bombay, India, currently a second year undergraduate in the Computer Science department. I am interested in working with Inkscape for GSoC. I have used Inkscape to present the designs of 2D games and animations I have created. I have been thinking for long about using the generated svg file for creating a 2D game engine, or for  animating certain rigid bodies. Since the svg file is an xml file, we just store the information of different structures in the file. I have been using Box2D ( 2D physics engine) lately, and we just declare different bodies with their positions, gravity, density, shape, so that the physics engine uses the information and runs the simulation. I plan on adding various properties to the svg file through additions in the User Interface, and then using it with Box2D to create simulations and 2D games.
Please give me feedback and suggestions regarding this idea.
Thank you.