Also a document could be interesting. Regards, Jabier.
El vie, 05-09-2014 a las 19:34 +0200, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escribió:
Hi to all again.
Searching throught powerstroke code i find the problems i find is not about interpolator, is in the next step fitting the "interpolated plane curve" to the final curved ones.
This bugs/gaps happens also in the pattetn along path.
I find this document, maybe too old and also not enought good or appropiate to fix the problem... http://people.csail.mit.edu/sarasu/pub/cgim02/cgim02.pdf Maybe searching in Gimp code for brush...
I can help on it when 0.91 is on and finaly end my PointWise and Fillet-Chamfer LPE.
Regards, Jabier.
El vie, 05-09-2014 a las 00:14 +0200, Johan Engelen escribió:
On 4-9-2014 21:44, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz wrote:
I give a deep try to power-stroke. Sorry for the noise.
No worries Jabier. Powerstroke certainly could be much improved (also in usability). But for now, I'd like to work towards a solid release. After release, we are free to work on improving it and testing new ideas.
regards, Johan