Hi everybody,
I am trying to improve the quality of printing of some low-resolution
raster pics.
I tried autotrace that has the ideal interface for me (i.e. “autotrace
infile.jpg --output-file outfile.pdf”). However the quality is
really low (especially on photos) because it generates random triangles and leave
white spaces.
I am very satisfied with Inkscape’s quality using the item
in the menu: “Path – Trace Bitmap…” (multiple
scans – Colors after adjusting some options).
I wonder if I can convert the pictures that I have
(they are in JPG but I can convert them to PNG) in PDF (or SVG) through some command
line options or a batch script (that I don’t have idea if it exists and
how it works). The process should run on a OpenSolaris box that has not any X
client configured.
Is this feasible or I need to mess up with Inkscape’s
source code?