Hi all,
A thought struck me while working with the symbol manager. As it currently is springtime again, I can't help myself but post this idea here. Launchpad is not often available to me due to timeouts (3 sec reply limit reached due to GFW and NSA), sorry for that.
As it now reads <symbol> code and put it neatly into a window, how hard could it be to let it read <glyph> code and put that in a window. I am sure that the font designers would be thrilled with it and using LibreOffice draw to generate SVG fontsets by using its SVG export would open up a plethora of fonts to the Inkscape community. Including all those symbol sets, wingbats, sign language symbols and whatever has been put into ttf, type1 and whatever convertible format. An addition would have to be to limit the amount of glyphs read at one time as I guess that a full traditional Chinese character set of 180.000 characters would be a tad heavy.
The basic tools are there though and it can't be that hard to have it read <glyph> rather than <symbol>. Reading the UNC code per 128? incrementally and adding a number under the glyph display would turn it into a pretty sophisticated tool for font developers and designers alike.
P.S. I deem myself a lousy coder, otherwise...