bulia byak wrote:
I've been sent a new patch that implements boolean operations, offset/inset path, and path outline. The license is public domain. It's been uploaded to the tracker. I've just compiled it and it seems to work as advertised, although I did not test it much yet. I will now incorporate it properly (creating commands for all functions) and test as much as I can. If there are no problems, I think we must get this into CVS right now, before the release. Rationale: 1) it's a killer feature, 2) it's orthogonal to everything else, so even if something is broken in the new functions, this will not affect the rest of Inkscape. Everyone is welcome to download and test the patch too (or at least review the code).
Big thanks to the author!
I've created a branch for Fred's work called BOOLEAN_FRED
you can move your head checkout to the BOOLEAN_FRED branch using cvs -q up -r BOOLEAN_FRED
Fred: feel free to work directly in this branch - it's yours to play with! We'll merge it into main tree once it's been reviewed.