On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 17:18:30 +0100, Andreas Nilsson <nisses.mail@...563...> wrote:
hour of trace work). They are also nice because if Inkscape and Gimp shared the same looks for icons it would feel more like a suite. This is something Adobe realized years ago, even before the release of the Creative Suite and Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop all share the same looks for icons and have tools that work in the same way. This means someone working in pre-press (or whatever) and already uses Photoshop and Illustrator much rather use InDesign than Quark Express because it behaves and looks like the other two tools he/she uses 70% of their time at work. That is something that needs to be adressed if they are to be converted to free software tools in the future.
I wonder, if Scribus guys are watching this thread :)