Well, as I said, it is a rather crude implementation. And it's not tied to Inkscape code. I haven't tested it with GIMP (I'm still using a PPC system and compiling is no fun) but I did try the lightweight MyPaint program as well, and it works with that. Basically, the problem is that when using the existing methods to discover the capabilities of the tablet device (does it have an eraser, or support tilt?) I'm not getting all the required information. So right now instead of adding input devices at application launch time, I'm adding them as needed when events are processed. This means gtk+ won't know if a tablet device has an eraser until the eraser enters the proximity of the tablet. Obviously this is not ideal. However, the issues really aren't that difficult to address, I've just been spending more time on my Ubuntu system recently and neglecting my OS X one.
On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 12:35 -0800, Yashka Oreza wrote:
Jonathan Dempsey wrote:
I have a rather crude implementation of tablet support and the calligraphy drawing works fine with that as well (though I don't have a tablet with tilt support, only pressure, so I'm not sure how well that works, if at all).
That strikes me as something that deserves more than to be mentioned in passing - it's pretty revolutionary - especially if the same approach can be applied to other GTK applications (noteworthy: GIMP, Xournal). I've noticed on imendio's project wishlist page that GTK-quartz could be hooked up to OS X's tablet support directly. Is that what you're working on, or is it something more specific to Inkscape's code?
-Yashka Oreza