On 2014-05-18 16:00 +0100, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
2014-05-18 7:12 GMT+02:00 Josh Andler <scislac@...400...>:
We have some license compliance issues which have been fixed in the 0.48.x branch which is overdue for should release anyway. I don't recall seeing objections the last time releasing 0.48.5 was brought up (but could have missed something).
There is one Poppler-related fix to backport.
I would have uploaded the tarball already, but I got completely bogged down with university stuff; I have another assignment due May 25, but I think I'll be able to roll a tarball this week.
Could you two please agree about the dates?
According to Josh's original mail, the tarball would _not _ be created before 25th (so there is still a week's time to get changes in):
If there are no issues left unmentioned or unresolved prior to next Sunday, May 25, we will move forward with releasing it.
Krzysztof otoh wants to create the tar ball earlier at an undefined date "this week":
I have another assignment due May 25, but I think I'll be able to roll a tarball this week.