25 Feb
25 Feb
7:12 p.m.
2012/2/25 Krzysztof KosiĆski <tweenk.pl@...400...>:
This is a rough record of the main subjects of discussion. Copied with slight changes from http://piratepad.net/inkscape The agenda turned out to be too long for a single meeting, and several points were left untouched.
Thanks for taking care of this!
Sorry I had to bail mid-meeting but I am glad to see how much got touched on. I like the more frequent meetings suggestions and think it would be great to keeping meeting short sweet and fair to everyone so they didn't have to commit as much time as this one required.
I will follow up in the next few days regarding calendaring the next meeting (and also to start discussion on a few issues that weren't touched on).
Cheers, Josh