On 5/9/06, Aaron Spike <aaron@...749...> wrote:
Simon Budig (the guy who wrote the curve draging that we stole from GIMP) popped into IRC this morning because his document preferences dialog comes up with out decoration.
Only that one dialog? What about the rest?
He also mentioned that his dialogs appear on the screen in one place and seem to jerk away into position. This I can confirm on WinXP.
If some GTK guru would teach me a way to display it at the given position and with given size at once, I would gladly redo it. As it is, yes, we have to display it first and move/resize second. Ugly as hell, but at least it (mostly) works.
And it seems that my dialogs here are not saving their positions across sessions, but I need to check that a few more times to be sure.
I really hate GTK. This stupid dialog position saving should come free with the toolkit, for goodness sake! Instead I had to really "hack" it in extremely far-fetched and unreliable ways. Switching to GTKmm only made things worse because, for some reason, GTKmmified dialogs have a different set of quirks.
Anyway, if anyone can review this part of the code and offer better solutions, I would be very grateful.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org