On 8/18/07, joel@...1709... <joel@...1709...> wrote:
Yes I'm also having the same problem, and I'm not sure how to resolve 2geom's dependency on the boost headers.
From: "john cliff" <john.cliff@...400...> Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 11:15 PM To: "Bob Jamison" <rwjj@...127...>, "Inkscape Devel List" inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] ImageMagick on win32
Hi Bob, finally got round to trying this today, installed the new libs, did a clean build (having removed the bitmap folder from teh exclude list), and I get the following when linking:
Make error line 350: LINK problem: build\libinkscape.a(adaptiveThreshold.o):adap tiveThreshold.cpp:(.text+0x124): undefined reference to `Magick::Image::adaptive Threshold(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)' build\libinkscape.a(addNoise.o):addNoise.cpp:(.text+0x117): undefined reference to `Magick::Image::addNoise(MagickLib::NoiseType)' build\libinkscape.a(blur.o):blur.cpp:(.text+0x11e): undefined reference to `Magi ck::Image::blur(double, double)' build\libinkscape.a(channel.o):channel.cpp:(.text+0x11f): undefined reference to `Magick::Image::channel(MagickLib::ChannelType)' build\libinkscape.a(charcoal.o):charcoal.cpp:(.text+0x11e): undefined reference to `Magick::Image::charcoal(double, double)' build\libinkscape.a(colorize.o):colorize.cpp:(.text+0x21d): undefined reference to `Magick::ColorRGB::ColorRGB(double, double, double)' build\libinkscape.a(colorize.o):colorize.cpp:(.text+0x240): undefined reference to `Magick::Image::colorize(unsigned int, Magick::Color const&)' build\libinkscape.a(colorize.o):colorize.cpp:(.text+0x252): undefined reference to `Magick::ColorRGB::~ColorRGB()'
theres a bunch more undefined reference errors after that, this was just a sample :)
Any ideas?
Sim On 8/14/07, john cliff wrote:
thanks bob, will have a play with it this eve.
On 8/14/07, Bob Jamison wrote:
Hi all,
I uploaded another lib bundle. This one has the ImageMagick library. It is statically built to avoid the (IMHO) nasty DLL collection you would otherwise need to bundle with Inkscape.
People can tweak build.xml to get it to build now, I guess.
Apologies for top posting before, didnt mean too. I've not hit any boost problems as far as I can see, have tis all imagemagick here. Have added -lMagik -lMagik++ and -lWand to the libs list in build.xml, and now am getting
Make error line 350: LINK problem: c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la -profile.o):profile.c:(.text+0x8f3): undefined reference to `cmsOpenProfileFromM em' c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la-profile.o):profile.c:(.text+0x91a) : undefined reference to `cmsOpenProfileFromMem' c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la-profile.o):profile.c:(.text+0x98e) : undefined reference to `cmsGetColorSpace' c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la-profile.o):profile.c:(.text+0xa8f) : undefined reference to `cmsGetColorSpace' c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la-compress.o):compress.c:(.text+0x20 21): undefined reference to `_imp__TIFFOpen' c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la-compress.o):compress.c:(.text+0x21 02): undefined reference to `_imp__TIFFGetField' c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la-compress.o):compress.c:(.text+0x21 61): undefined reference to `_imp__TIFFNumberOfStrips' c:/gtk210/lib/libMagick.a(magick_libMagick_la-compress.o):compress.c:(.text+0x21 8e): undefined reference to `_imp__TIFFClose'
Again, just a sample of whats quite a lot of these messages.