Will reformat the files that are Inkscape specific. The complete libUEMF and libTERE packages are distributed independently (only some of their files are included with Inkscape).
In that case there should probably be a configure option which controls whether the bundled or external libuemf is used.
How would one go about contributing code cleanups / fixes to libuemf itself? Should I send you patches, publish a branch on Launchpad or do something at sourceforge?
Speaking of libTERE, at some point that capability should be added to the other import drivers. Pretty much all of the graphics file formats have the same formatted string issue that EMF does. See
http://saf.bio.caltech.edu/PPT_G_P_I/#I2P_formatted_strings http://saf.bio.caltech.edu/PPT_G_P_I/#P2I_formatted_strings
This functionality is very useful, and would be of particular relevance to the PDF import filter. However, we first need some improvements to how text with absolute kerning is handled. In 0.48.x, editing of text with absolute kerning (the x= attribute) is utterly broken, e.g. trying to enter additional letters in the middle of an absolutely-kerned tspan results in overlapping glyphs. (I don't remember whether this is fixed in trunk.)
Regards, Krzysztof