Oh, and I assume you would make a lot of people very happy when addressing https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape-devlibs/+bug/1335954 (The current version of Cairo in the devlibs is too old so gradient meshes won't work)
Don't know how much work this needs, though, so please only see it as suggestion.
Regards, Eduard
Am 10.01.2016 um 22:57 schrieb Eduard Braun:
Hi Nicolas,
great work!
Did you also consider giving the 64bit devlibs some love while you're at it?
Best Regards, Eduard
Am 08.01.2016 um 10:01 schrieb Nicolas Dufour:
Hi ALex (and all!),
Le Samedi 2 janvier 2016 16h44, Alex Valavanis <valavanisalex@...400...> a écrit :
Thanks for taking care of this. I wonder if you have time to look into updating Poppler too? At the moment, we have a lot of conditionally-built code to support ancient Poppler versions... Devlibs is really the only blocker for getting rid of it.
Poppler updated (with poppler-0.39.0 and poppler-data-0.4.7) in the devlibs, rev. 56. Inkscape also updated (changes in build.xml) in the trunk (rev. 14566) and 0.91.x branch (rev. 13853).
Now that the devlibs have the latest poppler version, I guess you can now remove some unnecessary code.
@Windows users - again, don't forget to update the devlibs and run "btool clean" before compiling!
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