bulia byak wrote:
On 2/16/07, Tobias Jakobs <tobias.jakobs@...128...> wrote:
Google is doing it again. Here is the link: http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com/2007/02/speaking-of-summer.html
I think we should start planning our participation a little earlier this year. One thing that I think we should do this time is make it obligatory for all participants to have at least one bugfix patch accepted before they are considered.
I completely agree that a bugfix (or enhancement) patch first seems like a reasonable requirement. My personal feeling is that last year's wasted spot was VERY unfortunate.
As for planning, our wiki page with proposals from last year is at http://wiki.inkscape.org:8080/wiki/index.php/Googles_Summer_Of_Code and it appears that almost all of it still applies. Shall we start updating it for this year? Are last year's mentors still willing to mentor on the topics per the page? Any newer developers that would be willing to mentor?
From an artist's perspective (well, mine at least), more SVG Filters and Live Path Effects would really help boost productivity and cut down on the number of "hacks" and retries to get things right. I also feel that if possible, Cairo should be the one to use a student for PDF (since the core devs are busy with other things). Perhaps we should discuss it with Carl to get his thoughts.
If there are any eligible people on this list who plan to participate, let's get the discussion going about what projects you might be interested in.
Any eligible students or potential mentors, please do speak up.