Hi Martin, Sorry for very late reply.
There is no need for mock-up really. Read this lines if you've never tried assigning an ICC profile to a document: "...First at least one CMYK profile needs to be added to the document being worked on. That can be accessed in the GUI through the "Color Management" tab on the document properties dialog. Once at least one profile has been added, the color pickers in the Fill & Stroke dialog can be used to pick colors in that colorspace via specifying the ICC profile." [1] What annoys me is that even if you have only one ICC profile attached to a doc, you still need to manually select it from a drop-down combo of CMS tab (Fill&Straoke dialog). Can Inkscape automatically pick it for me?
Regards, Vlada
[1] http://codewideopen.blogspot.com/2010/10/inkscape-does-support-cmyk.html
On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> wrote:
Just one minor annoyance, which might be ubuntu's gtk theme problem, I see now is that there is no obvious "None" label at the top of list. It is there but appears as a few pixels high unmarked region you need to click at to remove marker.
That's not a theme bug, that's a real bug IMO. So I've fixed it by using the Gtk::Remove stock icon where we want to say "No Marker".
Thanks for testing and finding that problem.
One other idea: Is it complicated to auto-select color profile in CMS combo-box of Fill/Stroke tab if there is only one assigned to a working document? Don't know if there is something I've overlooked in this approach though. Maybe others will have something to add...
I'm not sure what you mean here. Maybe a mock-up would show me what you mean.