On Sun, 2008-11-23 at 23:45 -0600, Bob Jamison wrote:
On 11/23/2008 11:30 PM, Preben Soeberg wrote:
I am making a clean build now and have come beyond the point you show below without errors.
I wonder, maybe you didn't notice, that there was a new version of buildtool.cpp to be compiled?
Yes, I took care of that a few days ago.
However, that does not explain the dependency on <omp.h>. Did someone assume that it is available everywhere?
Yes. I committed Jasper's OpenMP patch with a modified version of Felipe's build files. I believe you find instructions on getting it to compile in Windows in Jasper's original e-mail on 18 Nov 2008. Of course, of you build for Windows using autotools it will check for the files and error appropriately. It is my understanding that this file should come with the compiler.