On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Wolfram Quester wrote:
Hi all!
On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 11:57:03PM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi all,
Ted has tagged and cut the tarball for the 0.37 release. At this time we're asking for packagers to download and produce the packages according to the instructions on the CreatingDists page in Wiki.
Since SF is down, we've uploaded the tarball to the website temporarily:
Make sure to follow the naming scheme when making your packages, and then upload them to SourceForge's file manager, or post them someplace convenient and point me, nathan, ted, or one of the other SF admins at them to pick up.
I just finished the building of the debian package. It will be uploaded to the unstable branch soon. The debian part on the CreatingDists seems a little outdated and the naming scheme doesn't fit to the way debian is naming its packages. If you want I can update this section on the wiki.
Yes please update the debian part of the CreatingDists section. I'd like to hear your thoughts on what would fit the debian naming scheme; I chose a scheme that would make the packages look a bit more consistent with the other kinds of packages, so would like to discuss that before changing it.
I did not work very much with inkscape since release 0.36, but I think you did a very good job in the meantime. I found quite a lot of new things, which are really nice. The user interface is more intuitive now (e.g. I can find "fill and stroke" easier), the options in the path menu item and the new tutorial. Thanks for your great work.
This is good to hear. Hopefully you'll also find it more robust and a little better documented, too.
There are some other thing I saw while building the package and playing with it a little:
- just for the record: there ist a doc/CVS subdir in the tar.gz. This doesn't seem intentional. I write this just as a reminder for the next release.
- I can't print gradients. If I draw e.g. a rectangle which is blue in the middle, changing its colour to red in the outer regions it will be printed white. I can however export it and then print it using gimp.
- fullscreen doesn't work for me. If I click View/Fullscreen nothing happens. I can't use the F11 since on my Powerbook this key is used to emulate the middle mouse button. Using F11/F12 to emulate the middle/right mouse button seems to be some kind of generic way on that architecture, though. I'd prefer something like Ctrl-F.
As soon as SF is up again I will check the bug-reports and file new ones if they don't exist already.
Cool, thanks. If you send me the debian file I'll upload it to SF's file manager when it comes back online. I know it technically isn't necessary with Debian, but at least it'll give evidence that a debian package exists.