2016-02-05 19:44 GMT+01:00 Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...>:
On Fri, 2016-02-05 at 14:07 +0100, Christoffer Holmstedt wrote:
> Could you elaborate on what you mean with "enforce using a more
> code-review style model"?

GitHub invites users to fork projects at any time, much more so than
launchpad (even though you could fork, it's not in the UI) so the
experienced developer who isn't an inkscape developer will pop in, fork,
make a fix and do a pull request. They won't be committing to trunk.

So our behaviour must move from assuming everything is auto-trunked to
actively reviewing pull requests and sharing that job between us.


Correct and I see that as good thing, but we don't want to enforce that workflow for all existing and future Inkscape developers. Everyone that is allowed to commit to trunk today and future developers, should be able to do that in the future as well. It was just the wording "enforcing" that sounding like you wanted that workflow for everyone instead of the trunk-based we use today.

Christoffer Holmstedt