On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 12:15:59 -0000, "Thomas Worthington" <tww@...1737...> wrote:
Every programmer (or hopeful novelist) should be running the following on a 5 mintue contab:
find <list of directories to be protected> -not -name "*~" -not -name "#*" -type f -mmin -5 -exec cp --backup=t --parents "{}" <location of backup directory>
Personally, I prefer making frequent local commits with a DSCM, since I can ensure that the saved copies are made at meaningful boundaries, the copies represent a tree-wide state, and I can attach useful descriptions to them.
It's worth noting that all the Inkscape hacking I did at the most recent LGM (and on the train on the way back) was done with a DSCM (git); I didn't actually push anything to SVN until after I got home, so I can attest to how awesome that workflow can be.