No problem ;)
Bang === Crash
so to be very explicit, next second after "Bang" is the moment of the window which tell you that the emergency save was done right.
Btw - "Bang" was the last word in that sentence that mean the final step [I mean the place where the things were broken OR where the crash occur] - is not a rocket science to understand what I mean it's not Morse code.
Should I write "Bang" ? ..sorry but if we stop on small things like this ..there's no too much hope in dialog.
2011/6/26 Josh Andler <scislac@...400...>:
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 8:26 AM, SorinN <nemes.sorin@...400...> wrote:
Hi all,
I just "tested" this bug with few inkscape-trunk revisions (Win32 and Natty). It is present for any inkscape-trunk versions bigger that 10349 (I didn't check earlier versions). now I use 10359 and the bug is still present.
Steps to reproduce :
Open a blank file - Draw a rectangle - Assign a color - Make a gradient using the gradient tool OR using Fill tab option - Edit the gradient, chose the color node then try to change colorspace to another one (CMYK, RGB, etc). - Bang.
I can reproduce this bug in Windows 7 too with the revision 10350.
Please elaborate on "Bang". I think I saw an issue myself, but I can't confirm until you actually say what is happening.
Cheers, Josh