Well, it depends on whether SCALE can come up with table space. (Gareth, any word ?)
For the booth, the panels are four 36"x32" cloth panels that are arranged in a semi-square on the table. I usually hang pictures mounted on foamcore boards(usually made at Kinkos - btw cheap foamcore warps, better stuff doesn't) with self-adhesive velcro(buy in Wal-Mart) - I put a tablecloth over the table and put any handouts on the table. There's no need to necessarily man the booth though sometimes it's fun. Remember, people are usually viewing from a distance (ie 5-10 feet) so pictures and text need to be large. Probably need one big "Inkscape" sign. I usually put a basket of chocolates on the table - really draws people (if we get the booth I'll bring the chocolates!).
Ted Gould wrote:
On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 02:00 -0700, John Taber wrote:
Inkscapers: Can we pull together a display if we get the table top ?
Yeah, I think we could probably put something together. But, I've never had a booth before, so I'm not sure what that'll entail. I imagine the best thing is to pull out some of the examples and make them into hard copies. I've also got the flier that Mr. Docs made for us a while ago, perhaps that can be updated also.