On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 03:56:47 -0600, Bob Jamison wrote:
The viewcvs pages look great, too. http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs/inkscape/
cvs2svn does a terrific job converting, but as you see, it currently converts to a top-level trunk/ branches/ tags/ layout for a full repository, with all modules under trunk/.
The most common layout for subversion is a per-module trunk/ branches/ tags/ set, so each 'project' can have an independent trunk, branches and tags.
If inkscape intends to use the per-module layout (which seems to work for the vast majority of subversion projects), then perhaps it would be wise to do the 'svn mv' commands, using server-side urls, before large numbers of people get checkouts and begin conmmitting.
It could be done at any time, but might cause the least disruption early.