bulia byak wrote:
On 4/17/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 4/17/05, aaron@...749... <aaron@...749...> wrote:
That's quite impressive. Do these extensions have GUIs of their own? If so can you include one of them into the screenshot as well?
Oh, and by the way, shouldn't we put these extensions into CVS so that they are available to all? Can you send me an archive of all the files? Or do you want to do this when you are finished with them?
Thanks. These effects all use Ted's autogui functionality. Autogui isn't fully functional yet, so I don't know if it should be put in a screenshot.
If you want to put these effects into CVS it is fine by me. I will continue tweaking these and adding more effects as ideas come to me. As long as CVS gets a fresh copy occasionlly, I think it would be great. Here is a direct link to the archive on my website.
There are, however, probably a few reasons to hold off. I haven't figured out how to write an inx file that works on Windows and Linux. So as they are the effects only work on Linux. I'm not sure exactly what is required for the scripts to run, at least Python and PyXML. If extensions are by definition optional, you might not want to include them directly.
Aaron Spike