On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, bulia byak wrote:
On 8/22/05, Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@...839...> wrote:
I've just noticed in CVS that the most of the toolbar icons for the XML editor toolbar show up black. Opening the icons.svg file shows them to be black too. Opening the same icons.svg file in 0.42.2 shows the icons fine. This is because the gradient fill for these icons isn't working and is just showing up black. FWIW, it seems that the two versions load some of the XML in a slightly different order.
Yes. Can anyone guess which of the recent changes could cause this? If not we'll need to do a binary search for the breakage commit.
My naive guess: Wasn't there some work done on reordering the SVG when it was read in or written on save? If so, could the order of definitions effect whether gradients work correctly?