Bryce Harrington wrote:
Thanks, although to our knowledge the Pantone colors are not legally redistributable, so I don't think we can include them in Inkscape. You might want to doublecheck this fact though, just in case...
but is not possible to use the swatch is some way, like change the name of individual colors and the name of the set and use it like that? maybe change the order of colors? but i'm not sure how useful would be the swatch then.
anyway, i think it would be useful to include more swatches in the default install: he have now 3 swatches, maybe a couple more would be an useful addition (one candidate could be the Gnome HIG swatch i made some time ago)
On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 01:52:13AM +0200, Cory Sytsma wrote:
Not sure if this is where I should make this offer, but I just created a Gimp .gpl Pantone PMS swatch. Let me know if you want it to include in future releases. Not sure of the legality, but thought I'd offer it.