
I'm adding a new sp-object; a serial number. This allows the user to drop a serial number on the doc and define the start number, increment, and number of numbers and then the downstream imposition software takes over from there. I've used the sp-skeleton templates and ended up with:

sp-serialnumber.h:33: error: expected initializer before 'sp_serialnumber_get_type'
sp-object-repr.cpp: In function 'void populate_dtables()':
sp-object-repr.cpp:185: error: 'sp_serialnumber_get_type' was not declared in this scope
sp-object-repr.cpp:185: error: '"svg:serialnumber"' cannot be used as a function
sp-object-repr.cpp:187: error: uninitialized const member 'populate_dtables()::NameTypeEntry::type_id'
sp-object-repr.cpp:187: warning: missing initializer for member 'populate_dtables()::NameTypeEntry::type_id'

I'm used to working in VisualStudio so I'm getting up and over a lot of learning curves running everything from the command line and a text editor, so forgive me if this is a brain-dead simple question.

As I looked at this I started to wonder if one of the problems is that this will introduce a non-standard SVG element. Here is what I've been using.
<SerialNumber m_position.left="180" m_position.right="215" m_position.top="-122" m_position.bottom="-97" m_bPen="TRUE" lopnColor="0" lopnWidth="1" m_bBrush="TRUE" lbStyle="BS_SOLID" lbColor="12632256" lbHatch="HS_HORIZONTAL" m_nAngle="0" m_lFont.lfFaceName="Lucida Sans Unicode" m_lFont.lfHeight="12.000000" m_lFont.lfWeight="0" m_lFont.lfItalic="0" m_color="0" m_nLineSpacing="0" m_borderStyle="None" m_horizAlign="Center" m_vertAlign="Center" m_szText="001" m_nIncrement="1" m_nStartNumber="1" m_nPatternLength="3" m_szPrefix="" m_szPostfix="" m_bPrinted="0" m_nLastNumberPrinted="0" m_bDecrement="FALSE"/>

Thanks for any help or links to help.

Mike Yinger