On 5/2/10 21:28, bulia byak wrote:
Selector tool has a new mouse cursor (arrow with an open hand) for when your mouse is over a selectable object, and another (arrow with clinched hand) for when you're dragging an object. This improves precision of selection and UI consistency (previously, the mouse cursor over a selectable object was different across platforms, e.g. hand icon on Linux or four-way arrow on Windows).
Any chance this could be made optional or stay platform-dependent? I am trying to get used to the new cursor (osx had the four-way arrow before r9056), but I'm having a hard time with it:
- It does not provide more precision than the previous one (I see no difference e.g. for bug #515997) but at the same time obscures more details of the drawing as well as some of the (pre-)snapping hints (I always use snapping and set it to snap the node closest to the pointer).
- The additional offset hand distracts me from the actual target ;)
- I'm repeatedly confused while editing which of the two equally-shaded (i.e. outline only) shapes - the arrow or the hand - is actually aiming the target. This might be due to being used to other (native) applications on Mac OS X which have the (clinched) hand symbol without arrow when panning and the arrow without hand when dragging an element with the mouse.
Note: 1) I don't use vector applications like Illustrator or CorelDraw - my comparsion with other osx applications is limited. 2) GIMP 2.6.8 on OS X uses the same (linux?) type of cursors (arrow + symbol), but the arrow it clearly emphasized as pointer, and IMHO GIMP's cursor for the move tool is better suited than the clinched hand now used in Inkscape (which to me denotes panning not dragging).
local build (0.47+devel r9061) on OS X 10.5.8 using
glib2 @2.22.4_0+darwin (active) glibmm @2.22.1_0 (active) gtk2 @2.18.6_0+x11 (active) gtkmm @2.18.2_0 (active)