10 May
10 May
9:16 a.m.
On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 03:12:29PM +0100, Luca Bruno wrote:
Hi all, I've just noticed that the RSS feed for inkscape.org[1] isn't synced with latest news on the website. It's currently missing at least latest post by rejon. Can anyone please check why and fix it? I remember the feed-generator script is called from a cron (which?), maybe the problem is there or in the switch between CVS and SVN repo...
Greetings, Luca
[1] http://www.inkscape.org/inkscape.rss
-- .''`. ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Luca Bruno : :' : The Universal O.S. | luca.br(AT)uno.it `. `'` | GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3 `- http://www.debian.org | Proud Debian GNU/Linux User