22 Jan
22 Jan
11:38 p.m.
On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 05:28:28PM -0600, Esteban Barahona wrote:
is this a merge of FOSS projects?! I will gladly beta-test this "monster" on my Mac... far... awaaay in the future...
No, no, no... We *had* discussed merging with the Xara folks last year, but nothing came of it. While Inkscape and Xara appear very similar from a practical user viewpoint, there are serious technical differences that made it pretty clear that merging would be very hard. Just to name a few examples: Different widgetsets, different coding licensing, different internal document structures, different core file format (XAR vs. SVG). Then on top of the technical issues are the cultural ones of community vs. corporate.