I think it's because there's an iso grid but there's no snapper for that grid yet. It needs to be written :) So for now it uses the rectangular grid's snapper.
Ah. I hadn't ever considered the possibility of having a rectangular snapper for an iso grid, whence my confusion. Thanks for clarifying. But I think it's very confusing for users who don't expect it. So if there is no one in sight to implement a snapper for that grid soon, I think it should rather be temporarily disabled. (And it should probably be mentioned somewhere that snapping to iso grids doesn't currently work.)
Yes, I've seen this too. Something's wrong with major lines in iso grid. This is worth submitting a bug report.
Okay, for the record I'll add that later, even if Johan said he knows about the problem.
P.S.: Wouldn't it make sense to have different colors for regular and major grid lines by default?
Don't think so, imho a different opacity is enough
Good point. I must admit that I hadn't even realized the different opacity - probably both because the two kinds of gridlines only become visible at a larger zoom and because the distinction is not very noticeable at the moment. So maybe it would be nice to increase the contrast a bit. But that's personal taste, and as Bulia pointed out, it can be changed by the user.
And IMHO the default spacing for the axonometric grid should be larger than 1.
Hmm, it was just a personal feeling. Currently when I create an iso grid at the default zoom level, the gridlines are much more closely spaced than with a default rectangular grid. I like the latter way better becuase the page looks less cluttered, but I don't use grids very often so users more familiar with them may have different tastes. Just thought I'd mention it.