On 2013-10-31 04:09 +0200, Bryan Hoyt | Brush Technology wrote:
While editing an Inkscape-created document, if I delete the ID attribute of a group (or any other element, on further investigation) using the XML editor, and then select that element in the visual editor, Inkscape crashes.
The ID in question is not referenced elsewhere in the document.
Is it valid SVG to have objects without IDs? It certainly seems like it should be, particularly for hand-crafted SVG.
AFAIK it is valid SVG.
I can reproduce this trivially in Inkscape's trunk build from 22 Sep 2013 on a blank document with nothing but a plain rectangle.
Steps to reproduce: 1) launch inkscape (default prefs, default new doc) 2) draw a rect 3) group it 4) open XML Editor 5) delete ID attribute of selected group 6) on-canvas, double-click the selection to enter the group 7) click on the rectangle to select it
-> crash with current stable and trunk (backtrace from latest trunk attached)
Please file a report in the bug tracker, thanks.
(or any other element, on further investigation)
I cannot reproduce this part as described, but I can confirmed that I have experienced so many related (but seemingly more "random") crashes in trunk that I had stopped using the XML Editor for anything but the most simplest tasks (I did suspect a regression in trunk's refactored dockable XML Editor, in addition to the crash above which can be reproduced in stable and trunk).
Regards, V