Hi all,
After chatting with Ishmal, Mental, Bulia, and others, it sounds like we ought to shoot for cutting a near-term release, in the mid- to late-January timeframe.
The reasoning for this is that we already have some noteworthy new features that would be worth getting out to users, and because the Gtkmm work, while progressing along well, won't be finished that quickly.
If no-one has any serious objections to this proposal, we would go back into a feature freeze within the first week or so of January, focus on bug fixing for a couple weeks, and try to push out the 0.41 release by the end of the month. (As a side PR benefit, there are a number of conferences and symposia in the Feb/Mar period, so this would give fresh bits for folks to play with.)
In parallel to the above release effort, the focus on the Gtkmm work will continue (and hopefully intensify), with the objective of merging immediately after the 0.41 release. The code won't be finished at that point, and won't be used for the primary UI (you'll have to use a special flag to activate the Gtkmm), but we'll finally have the code in the main codebase proper, which will hopefully enable the remainder of the work to get done swiftly.