I've been using Inkscape for a couple of years now. I had inquired about adding some object snaps to Inkscape when I first started using the program, but I didn't know any C++ at the time, and didn't want to tackle the language.
That has changed, since I'm now using a Linux box at home and work, in addition to my MS Windows boxes. I've been learning some C programming, and even bought a 900 page book on C++ programming. :]
I volunteer as one of the project admins for an open source GIS/Mapping program. I was planning on creating a map drafting and printing extension for the program from scratch. However, someone wrote a plug-in for our program that allows us to export the data in SVG, and one of the users began producing cartographic quality maps in Inkscape!
That really got my wheels turning. I am considering the possibility as using Inkscpape and perhaps Scribus as the main cartographic map production tools for our program. If this works out, I'd like to begin contributing to Inkscape as a developer.
My primary areas of interest are object snapping and precision drafting/drawing tools. I'd also be interested in some advanced labeling tools, DXF import/export, layer management, and sheet layout for printing/plotting.
I saw Matthew Squires was working on DXF support for Inkscape as part of Google's Summer of Code, but I didn't see any files on his SourceForge site yet. Is that project still ongoing?
Is anyone else working on the areas I mentioned? (I took a look at the roadmap on the Inkscape site, but didn't see any of these things mentioned.)
If you would be willing to put up with my questions, I'd be willing to help implement some of these features. :] I must warn you ahead of time, I do have a good knowledge of programming and XML, and even own a couple of textbooks on SVG, but I am a C++ rookie.
I'm going to read over the Inkscape Developer's Manual posted on the wiki tonight. I'd look forward to some advice on how to get started. I think I'd like to start with the object snaps tools first.
At any rate, I look forward to hearing from you guys about this, and hope I'll have the chance to improve a great open source tool I've been using for a long time.
Scott Huey