A quick reply on 0.47pre2 Win32 installer.

After running the installer I got a warning that previous version of Inkscape is already installed (see attached screenshot 1), but that file "Uninstal.dat" is missing. In my case the installer was pointing to the directory where I installed some development version with this "new" installer (I believe it was version "inkscape-win32-r22047" from "http://inkscape.chrismorgan.info/win32-builds/", but I'm not completely sure about the version).

However, I chose the same directory and in the next step it asked me if I want to uninstall the old version before I install this one (0.47pre2). I chose YES, and the old version was uninstalled, except the file "Uninstall.exe", which was left in the folder. But I think I had that folder opened in Total Commander, and this might be the reason that this file wasn't deleted. Furthermore, I have also noticed that the uninstallation deleted uninstall entries in "Add or Remove Programs" for the official 0.46 version. The program files however were of course still installed in Program Files and everything was working.

Anyway, then it started installing version 0.47pre2 and I got warning that the chosen folder is not empty (see 2nd screenshot). Than no matter what I clicked (CANCEL or RETRY), nothing happened, i.e. it didn't install nor cancel the installation (the info box stayed on the screen even after several clicks). The only thing that helped was manually deleting file "Uninstall.exe" in the installation folder, and the installation went on without problems.

These are my experiences, but at the end basically everything works as expected.


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Chris Morgan <chris.morganiser@...400...> wrote:
Here is my Win32 build: http://inkscape.chrismorgan.info/win32-builds/Inkscape-0.47pre2-1.exe.  It will be available in about 5 minutes.
My PortableApps.com build will not be available until tomorrow, as I've got to go off to bed now.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Ted Gould <ted@...11...> wrote:

After too much delay, some for good and some for stupid reasons I've
finally uploaded a pre2 source package for Inkscape.  This is VERY close
to the final 0.47 release so it's important that people pay attention
and we don't let things fall through the cracks.


There should be packages available shortly, packagers please reply to
this message with information regarding those.

Please discuss any release critical bugs or other information regarding
the release on the inkscape-devel mailing list.

=== MD5 Sums ===

de351d81cca9f99b3a1fb4faa36c723d  inkscape-0.47pre2.tar.bz2
77c6ea1245618af69381067c90e57afc  inkscape-0.47pre2.tar.bz2.asc
ccced173f66611591006d16ea6a200b4  inkscape-0.47pre2.tar.gz
3df60bde0ca2ef28db283c285d5511b1  inkscape-0.47pre2.tar.gz.asc
cb94fa821bff40970260f9530cc0bd84  inkscape-0.47pre2.zip
710c523dfdcf10ad39753788baefba90  inkscape-0.47pre2.zip.asc


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-- Chris Morgan <chris.morganiser@...400...>

I don't need a quote in my signature.  It's hard enough surviving as it is without having to find a meaningful quote.  Will you forgive me?  Or don't you read this bit?

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