J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
Currently we use 'buildtool' to build Inkscape on windows, which works perfect. Should we therefore still keep Makefile.mingw and its friends up to date? I cannot 'make' Inkscape with gtk210 because "-I$(GTK)/include/cairomm-1.0 " is missing in the include paths. When added it works fine, for the first files, but compilation stops at /dom/io/socket.cpp (plus i get a GLIBMM_DLL redefinition warning for a lot of files)
1) Do you have a recent win32 lib bundle? 2) Is your build.xml up to date? I haven't run into the issue myself, but, I haven't natively compiled with MinGW in forever, I've been cross-compiling w/ xmingw for about a year now.
Also, I tried the latest build from http://inkscape.modevia.com/ and it crashes when the global pref window is opened.
Hago reported this earlier too... perhaps there was something missing or bad with the new win32 libs that were uploaded last night. Chances are it's something trivial. I don't get the crash myself though, but, I also don't use a different locale.
Lots of build problems right before the release :S
We'll get 'em ironed out. :)
Note that when I do 'buildtool dist' I get no errors and a nice working Inkscape distribution (that does not crash on opening pref dialog), but with the locale language files not properly copied.
I suspect lack of crash relates to using older libs to compile. It may also be the cause of that locale problem you speak of too though.
- Should 'make' be made to work properly on Windows. If yes, with gtk2.10 of gtk2.8?
Great Q... if it is to work on windows, it would be with our win32 libs package which includes 2.10.
- inkscape.modevia.com crosscompiles I think; does that cause the crashes on pref. dialog?
Hago mentioned that when it wasn't using a different locale from English that it didn't crash. I crosscompile and use English and messed around with prefs and didn't crash. It really looks like it's probably just an issue with the newest libs. If you have some time today, maybe we can see what we can do by trying a couple alternative files on your system.