Dear dev team,
upon request of the dev meeting, the PLC recently voted [1] for another round of the bugfix accelerator program!
Experienced contributors can now apply to fix issues for the 1.4 release, and get paid by the project! As per the vote [1], 5 merged MRs in inkscape/inkscape since the 1.3 release (July 23, 2023) are required. Please read the document attached to the vote carefully if you plan to apply. Contractors are expected to set aside at least 10hrs per week for the program (last year’s experience has shown that doing the contract in parallel to a full-time job is not sustainable).
The application should contain
Send your application as reply to this email (directly to me). I'll respond when I see it.
Deadline for applications: Wednesday Feb 28, 23:59 UTC
Best regards,