Just uploaded a new 64 bit build (r14630) available from my Google drive...
Am 01.02.2016 um 19:38 schrieb Eduard Braun:
> Hi David,
> 32 bit builds by Nicolas:
> http://download.tuxfamily.org/inkscape/
> a recent 64 bit build (r14615) by me:
> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3IZiqBj23X1eG5JeVBaSFFTanM&usp=drive_web&tid=0B3IZiqBj23X1My1CaUE2NjlpVms#list
> If you need something even more recent just let me now.
> Regards,
> Eduard
> Am 01.02.2016 um 19:15 schrieb mathog:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there a nightly (or even weekly) build for Windows 32 and 64, and if
>> so, is there a download link for it? In bug 1480651 we have an end user
>> who has a problem with the way a particular piece of software that
>> neither Alvin nor I own interacts with Inkscape, and it would help if we
>> could get him a copy of a current trunk binary.
>> Regards,
>> David Mathog
>> mathog@...1176...
>> Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech
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