@echo get inkscape from scratch, assuming you have inkscape sources echo >> %~dp0\build.log echo %time% start preparing >> %~dp0\build.log c: cd \inkscape rmdir /s /q \devlibs64 rmdir /s /q inkscape_trunk64 bzr checkout --lightweight lp:inkscape-devlibs64 \devlibs64 bzr checkout --lightweight lp:inkscape inkscape_trunk64 echo %time% start building btool >> %~dp0\build.log set DEVLIBS_PATH=C:\devlibs64 set MINGW_PATH=C:\MinGW64\mingw64 cd inkscape_trunk64 call mingwenv64.bat g++ buildtool.cpp -O3 -g0 -o btool -fopenmp echo %time% start building inkscape >> %~dp0\build.log btool -file build-x64.xml -j echo %time% finish building >> %~dp0\build.log echo pause fertig, press any key to start pack msi echo %time% start installer >> %~dp0\build.log cd packaging cd wix call wixenv.bat call install.bat echo %time% finish installer >> %~dp0\build.log pause