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From: Felipe Sanches <felipe.sanches@...400...>
Date: Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 3:14 AM
Subject: promoting SVG
To: Asa Dotzler <asa@...2025...>, stb@...2026...


My name is Felipe Sanches. I am an Inkscape developer (also known as JucaBlues at the Inkscape community) and I am putting efforts in the spread SVG usage for web content. I am very excited about the possibilities that this technology brings and also about the openness of it (mainly compared to proprietary Flash technology).

I have recently developed a little game using SVG and javascript. You can see it here: http://bighead.poli.usp.br/~juca/code/svg/minigame/minigame.svg

I would like to promote something together with Mozilla. I was thinking about a game coding contest. The rules would require the game to use SVG technology and to run properly in Firefox 3 (and, optionaly, on any SVG compliant browser). I would like to promote this contest myself, but I do not have enough resources to provide cool prizes and also I do not have the same visibility as you guys have in order to reach the greatest possible number of contest submissions from the webdevelopment community. Even harder when you think about an specific technology we are trying to promote.

Since Firefox is an SVG capable browser, and Mozilla is clearely in favour of open standards for the web, I supose that you would be interested in making this contest become a reality.

I can write a tutorial explaining which techniques & tools I used to develop this example SVG+javascript game, so this could also eventually help promoting Inkscape, which is the opensource SVG editor project to which I often contribute.

I am waiting to hear your opinions on the subject,
best wishes,
Felipe Sanches

these are the instructions for the example game:
Enter key - Starts the game
Right and left arrow keys - moves Tux
SpaceBar - tux tries to hit the MSN butterfly

also, if you need, you can zoom the graphics with ctrl + (plus)
SVG is vector graphics, so you wont loose quality when zooming SVG content