Alt key doesn't work on Linux

Alt+click and Alt+drag are very useful Inkscape shortcuts ("select under" and "move selected" with Selection tool, and "node sculpting" with Node tool).  However, on Linux, Alt+click and Alt+drag are often reserved by the window manager for manipulating windows.

From version 0.46 onwards there is an option in the ~/.config/inkscape/preferences.xml file to allow another modifier key to be used as an alias for Alt within Inkscape.  The option is "mapalt" under group "options", and has a numerical value.  This value equates to the modifier key that is mapped to Alt, 1 indicates Alt, ie, no mapping).  The value you need to use depends on the setup of your particular keyboard and may be 2, 3, 4, or 5.  The program xkeycaps, available from, is useful in finding which mod values are assigned to which keys on your keyboard, as well as setting them.  The value associated with a particular key is shown in that program at the top of the screen beside the word "Modifiers" when the mouse is held over a key on the main display.

Note that this setting makes the new key an alias for Alt in every keyboard shortcut, not just those concerned with the mouse.

Alternatively, you can disable Alt-click and Alt-drag in your window manager as shown below:

Mac OS X specific issues