
2014/1/6 Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...>
On Mon, 2014-01-06 at 19:13 +0100, S.Kemter wrote:
> Hi,
> just a reminder there are only 9 days left for an submission for the
> LGM 2014 in Leipzig/Germany
> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/only-ten-days-left-for-submissions/

Does somebody want to give an Inkscape talk?

Johan had some interest to submit something (but didnt made it until yet) . But there is a lot more going on what would be interesting, an "Meet Inkscape Team"-Session like GIMP already does on LGM would be also nice.
I gave an Inkscape talk at
last years LGM, as well as a talk on SVG. I am planning on going but
will probably submit just a talk on SVG 2.

Chris Lilley will be also there

There has been some effort on
trying to get Google to pay for GSoC students and mentors to go but so
far it is just talk.

just tell us the name of mentor and students. Problem there is was, not a lot of projects did answer to that offer, just you and GIMP was interested. So if you want to do it, we should talk about it.

br gnokii


make me rich, buy my Inkscape book http://is.gd/yq5OD0 ;)